▼NGO_Fish | Namespace for single-locus, forward, Monte-Carlo Wright-Fisher simulation and output data structures |
▼Callele_trajectories | Control and output data structure for GO_Fish simulation |
Csim_constants | Specification of simulation constants |
CmutID | Structure specifying the ID for a mutation in a GO_Fish simulation |
▼NSim_Model | Namespace of functions for controlling GO_Fish simulations |
Cbool_off | Functor: turns sampling and preserving off (for every generation except the final one which is always sampled) |
Cbool_on | Functor: turns sampling and preserving on (for every generation except the final one which is always sampled) |
Cbool_piecewise | Functor: returns the result of function f1 until generation inflection_point , then returns the result of function f2 |
Cbool_pulse | Functor: returns the result of function f_default except at generation pulse returns the result of function f_action |
Cdemography_constant | Functor: single, constant population size (N individuals) across populations and over time |
Cdemography_exponential_growth | Functor: models exponential growth of population size (individuals) over time |
Cdemography_logistic_growth | Functor: models logistic growth of population size (individuals) over time |
Cdemography_piecewise | Functor: demography function changes from d1 to d2 at generation inflection_point |
Cdemography_population_specific | Functor: one population, pop , has a different, demography function, d_pop , all others have function, d |
Cdemography_sine_wave | Functor: models population size (individuals) as a sine wave through time |
CF_mu_h_constant | Functor: models parameter p as a constant across populations and over time |
CF_mu_h_piecewise | Functor: parameter function changes from p1 to p2 at generation inflection_point |
CF_mu_h_population_specific | Functor: one population, pop , has a different, parameter function, p_pop , all others have function p |
CF_mu_h_sine_wave | Functor: models parameter as a sine wave through time |
Cmigration_constant_directional | Functor: migration flows at rate m from pop1 to pop2 and function rest for all other migration rates |
Cmigration_constant_equal | Functor: migration flows at rate m from pop i to pop j =/= i and 1-(num_pop-1)*m for i == j |
Cmigration_piecewise | Functor: migration function changes from m1 to m2 at generation inflection_point |
Cselection_constant | Functor: models selection coefficient s as a constant across populations and over time |
Cselection_linear_frequency_dependent | Functor: models selection coefficient as linearly dependent on frequency |
Cselection_piecewise | Functor: selection function changes from s1 to s2 at generation inflection_point |
Cselection_population_specific | Functor: one population, pop , has a different, selection function, s_pop , all other have function s |
Cselection_sine_wave | Functor: models selection as a sine wave through time |
▼NSpectrum | Namespace for site frequency spectrum data structure and functions. (in prototype-phase) |
CSFS | Site frequency spectrum data structure (at the moment, functions only generate SFS for a single population at a single time point) |